Friday, May 11, 2007

i think I need to trade families!!

Really, how old do you have to be before you stop fighting with your mother/sister/brother?? (sorry dad is dead so he doesn't fight anymore)

My brother and mother are fighting, through email and cell phone calls. Neither can seem to go and see the other in person. Mom can't handle the confrontations in person anymore anyway, she just cries. And my brother just starts cussing and swearing and not getting any where. I have about 10 emails from the two of them today, I read 3 and then put the whole lot of them into a special "family" folder for me never to read again. I called mom and asked what's up, we talked for about an hour, and every time it started to drift way from where I wanted it to be I brought it back. I asked specific questions regarding her email (the only 1 I read from her) and she answered me, then start in on my sister or my brother or dad, and I'd interupt and go back to the email and ask more questions. I did ask her why the change from me being able to take whatever from the house to don't give her anything attitude and she said she wants to get over there and go through stuff and make sure she gets what she wants. She moved out at the end of summer and didn't take anything yardwise so I understand her wanting to get stuff now since she just realized that she needed it. I told her that she needs to just tell me, and when she wouldn't say anything I asked, can I take the sewing machine still? She said yes. Can I take the pictures (dad's parents and stuff), she said no. That second is a change but since I didn't take it that first day, then too bad for me, and I understand that.
Now to my brother, he did swear a lot in the 2 emails that I saw (I didn't read the rest, but mom kept saying they were bad, before I'd interupt her again) He's upset and has been for a long time. Do I agree with what he does? Not really, but it's his life. I can't control him. Just like the call with mom, I can steer conversations to stay on track, but that's it. I can't make him do this or that. He's a grown man, he is responsible for his actions. If he means what he said in the letters then so be it.

After talking to mom I found that what little I read she did mean. I told her to look at who told her what and then to evaluate what she knows about me versus what the others have said. (there a lot of she saids in the letter) Where does this leave me... Stuck in the middle. Brother living at mom's house. Mom living with new husband at his house. Me at my place, oh and my sister moving to Germany in 2 months.

Great mother's day weekend!! So much for seeing anyone. I'm not driving to see mom just so she can complain aobut brother/sister not talking to her. I probably won't see sister because she's busy with house stuff, trying to sell it and all. And I've no idea what my brother/sister-in-law is doing but I'm sure they have plans and I really don't what to go to the house just so mom can say that I was there to get something. (How she'd find out that I was there I don't know, but she's a mom she always knows where we are).

This leaves me home. With my kids. Who are playing without me right now. I think I'll go and see if they want to go to the park.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

We did it!!!

We finally got a playground at the school!! The equipment was installed earlier this week and we (the parents) had to install the border and the mulch. It only took about 5 hours on Friday with about 8-10 adults moving the mulch (not including what was done on Thursday). It looks great. I feel like shit. I'm tired and sore from all the lifting, shoveling and raking. But it looks great and the kids will love it.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Fish Tycoon

Have you seen this game? It runs in real-time. Turn off the computer and it's still plays on. You have to raise fish (feed, breed, sell) and look for the magic fish and well lets just say that it's very addictive.

I started the game a few days again. Just online version, so I haven't spent money (yet). And it's just too addictive. If I know that I'm going to be away for a while I can slow time down, if I want I can speed time up too. I just leave to sound on, check every few hours (days at normal real-time, I'm playing in fast mode) and feed an breed. I can do the housework (ya right!!) while I play. I can fold the cloths, vacumm the floors, ok so really I'm just sitting around playing this game and surfing the net. I just can't stay away.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

So I learned something today

I got to learn how to keep score today. J watched the kids while I watched the game (oldest's softball team) and keep score. Man you can't even have a decent conversation and do that job, you might miss something!! (I sure did!) All in all a good learning experience though. Looks like that gets to be my job from now on, so long as J makes it to the games too. Oh we won, 16 to 6.