Thursday, October 30, 2008


So the other night my daughter starts her science fair project... Homemade marshmallows and mixing of ingredents to see if she can make it less sticky on the outside and healthier. I got to say, I like it the way that it is, they taste GREAT!! So we're out of ingredents and I just got back from getting more.... Now I'm doing my own experementing... I'm going to make vanilla sugar. It's easy so it's really not an experement but this kids will have fun making it.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy birthday Alice!!

I can't believe that it's really been more then 1 week since I last posted. Lots of things happening in the house.

Tonight I have the cousins over. They get to go to work with me and the kids tonight and tomorrow morning. I forgot what it was like to have a bunch of boys around. Little man is far too calm when he's only with women.

The scouts got lots of compliments on their behavior and attitude from the camp weekend that they worked. I've never seen so many adults say so many nice things about tweens!

Little man is officially in cub scouts. He's been to about 4 or 5 meetings now, next week is the holloween party. I thnk the family is going to go to it, it sounds like it will be lots of fun!

Alice is officially 34 today. I got to see her online but it's still not the same as giving her a hug. {{{Alice}}} this is me hugging you.

I think that does it for the short update. Later.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

just a little brag

This weekend was the first in what I hope will be many events that my 6th grade cadettes get to work as PAs. I was very nervous about having them actually be in charge of activities even with an adult nearby if needed. I wasn’t the only one to be apprehensive about it, the other cadette troops’ adults weren’t sure how these 11 yr olds would do helping with fire building, archery, games, songs, ceremonies, astronomy and camp history. We were all pleasantly surprised. My 5 little 6th graders soared with the 8th graders and even took on a lead role or two. I had 3 of them ask if they could get the specialty training to help with the telescopes again (they got a crash course on the manual ones) Even my newest member (1 month now) was able to teach scout songs and graces and help the younger girls learn.

Part of me knew they were ready for this… but an even bigger part wasn’t so sure. They proved that they can do it. We can set the bar and the will soar over it. We just have to give them the chance.

They have started working on the new cadette Amaze journey. I’m hoping they like it as much at the end as they do now… yes that surprised me too, I didn’t think they’d go so quickly with it. Next up is learning about the silver award and working on the basics to earning it (the few parts that can be as a troop and I think would be good for them all), camping more then 20 miles from home, and doing something new (No they haven’t told me what that is yet)

Monday, October 13, 2008

I am SOOOOO tired

What a weekend. The girls had a blast. The weather was pefect. The moon was just bright enough for the hike and not too bright for the observatory. I even got 3 of the girls started on getting trained on the manual telescopes.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Est. Time of Departure

We have 4 hours and counting until we leave to go to camp this weekend. This will be the first offical activity that the girls will work as program aides. They get to stay at one station the whole time and teach (or help) other younger girls how to do whatever the station is. Last year was great with the hayride and pumpkins and I'm really hoping that this year is a hit! It wasn't looking good a few weeks ago when we almost had to cancel due to lack of attendees. But we got more people so off we go.

For the last few weeks I've been teaching the program aide training and the camp prep/training for the girls that will be program aides at this event. We've had a blast (I think so anyway) learning and doing and leading (New GS model). Every girl that made all the meetings got their PA pin and 4 hr. toward PA patch. I just think this is way too cool.

I got my training for the obseratory on Tuesday night. Tonight is promising to be clear so we'll get to show the girls Jupiter, Saturn, Alphacentari, and all sorts of other deep space stuff. I can't wait. The best part of all that prep stuff the last few weeks is that the girls have little to do tonight so I can really keep them busy with the telescope for a while!!

Oh I forgot to mention that we made troop shirts... we tie-dyed them last night, they look really cool. Next up is ironing on the troop number. We'll wear them tomorrow and I'll try and post a pic later.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Ok. Big B is going to have heart surgery in the AM. I'll keep you up to date as I get more info.

And the little boy I mentioned before.... Well they were all set to operate when the doc found out that his 2nd whooping cough test was positive. Seems this whole thing is whooping cough so they took him to recovery to let the anesthesia (ya they were that far into the surgery) wear off and sent him on his way home.

One home. One to go.

Big Bob

I just got a call from mom. This is the third in 2 days and I have no minutes to talk so I let it go to voicemail and check it after 9pm. Well I called back on J's phone. Big Bob is going into surgery again. Emergency this time... some sort of blockage but nothing to do with the pacemaker they put in last week. I called Y and told her I'd meet her at the job later today so I can go to the hospital and sit with Lo for a little while.

This makes 2 people that I personally know having surgery today, and not the routine kind.... the other is an 8 yr old getting a lung biopsy. He's 8 yrs old for crying out loud!

If you are reading this... say a prayer for them both!