Monday, July 30, 2012

Oh my!! Its been far too long since my last post.

Well where to start......
Lots of people are posting different ways to be dairy free or other allergy free in their foods.  So I thought about that.  Got busy, it didn't happen.
Rerun's Webelos leader had a baby so I took over the den. We're a year in and he's got 13 of the possible 20 activity pins for his level. Now to get the rest of the den to that point.
AJ is now a Senior in Girl Scouts and working of coming up with a good Gold project.
Smash is currently procrastinating on coming up with her Silver project.  Can't blame her but really it just needs to get past me, its not like the gold where you have to talk council into approving it.

Me?? I am now working full time. Have been for over a year. Jer is working from home now that I've got a real job. Its working well for us, even with me having no life outside of scouts and kids. :)

The no-dairy thing you ask?  Yep still doing it.  BUT we still get all sorts of yummy food since I have finally gotten the hang of how to substitute dairy alternatives in most all the foods we eat here at the house.  How's that?? Well Galaxy Foods, So Delicious, Tofutti, Enjoy Life, Rice Dream and Silk all work great for substitutes.  Tomorrow is my 39th birthday and we are going to have lasagna and garlic bread for dinner.  Yes that's right a totally dairy free italian meal - take that Olive Garden!!

Maybe I will do a food blog.... Gotten get a good twist on it though.... maybe I should try and convert an oldie but goodie cookbook to a non-dairy.... Let me know what you think.