Friday, October 12, 2007

Another day another dollar

Fall product is in full swing with scouts. So is the fall fund raiser at school. The church classes start in another week, and I'm not ready. Just another day in the life... Now if I can just keep anyone else from having a funeral... Later gater.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

A day in the life...

Not much happening around here. Lots of car and house break-ins but otherwise nothing to report. I'm ready to move to the moon just to get away from the little sh!ts that keep targeting my car and the neighborhood. I've lived here for 6 years and never had a problem until the last 3 months. Sad that even with a cop living down the street these things are happening.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

buggy bugs

Damn I thought the mufflehead season was over!! but no I open the door last night and get a face FULL of them!! Then they got into the house! We had over 100 of them around the light in the kitchen. Can't swat at them, they just fall dead on your head, and at midnight I was too tired to deal with them. These annoying insects are good thing from what I'm told, it means Lake Erie is doing well. Just wish the bugs would stay at the lake instead of coming into town an bugging me!! I remembered this morning that the last time I had to deal with these guys I tried bug spray, which killed them and ruined the paint on the wall. So I tried the vacumm and that worked fine. But damn a face full and yes my mouth was closed thankfully!! I really don't want to know what the fish find so tasty in those things.

Monday, August 27, 2007

All in a day

So we get home from school today and I notice.... the oldest is scratching... again!!!

So we eat dinner, I take her upstairs, check and yes there it is. HEAD LICE!!

So we put the treatment on, rinse it out and clip her hair up all over the place. While I'm doing this she's playing the PS2. Not a problem until I jump up and tell her to come with me and she forgets to let go of the controler!! PS2 on the ground, lice in the hair, younger 2 running around. Oh what fun we are having now!! So I sit her down and keep combing and combing and combing. I finally finish 2 hours later. Now it's time for the fun stuff, fixing the PS2.

I get the screws out and open it up. Then I have to get more screws out and open that up. I get the disk out, then have to keep hitting the open/close button until the tray is finally back to where it's suppose to be. Ok fine at this point DH is back and he actually did the button pushing. Then I got to put all the screws back and now I think I'm going to play my FFX2 again, just because I can because I fixed the machine damn it!! Ok, I 've got the get the laundry done first, but then I'm going to play!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

First day of school

YAH!!! it's been 2 days since we got home and guess what... School started!!! Ya!!

We're waiting for the bus to get here to put little man on for the first time (the girls have been riding it for years).

Yes I really did go up to the school after they all got on the bus so that I could be there when they got off for the first time!! Little man is doing great, he's all set for school.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Vacation dayz five and beyond

Not a lot to tell. We hung out at the beach, went snorkeling, body surfing and road boogy boards. J and I did go parasailing, that was fun. The water was choppy but once you got in the air you couldn't tell. We saw a sea turtle, a sting ray, and lots of jellyfish!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Vacation Dayz, three and four

Not a lot happening. We hung out at Jacksonville most of day 3 and left for Destin around 5pm. We hung out with the family once we got there and things got a little crazy (pretty normal for us really). Day 4 was the beach!! The waves were nice and the heat wasn't bad, of course the jellyfish were but then it's ocean water what do you expect.

Little man and the youngest cousin got buried in the sand a few times. The oldest and a counsin have fun finding shells. Younger girl and oldest cousin ran in the waves and body surfed all day. That night we went out to dinner. Good food but I hate being stuck at the kids table. Oh well, hopefully we won't be doing another full family dinner out, I'd rather just eat pb&j at the condo.

Pics coming soon.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Vacation, day two

Well it's the end of day number two of our vacation and we have head lice. Not just nits but full grown lice... 3 of them in my oldest head!!!

I noticed the middle one scratching during dinner tonight so it took her to the bathroom to check... yep I found 3 nits. So we left the resturant and I decided to check the oldest just since I had treated her recently for them and found a few eggs in her head too!! $60 later I have checked 4 heads, had someone check mine, washed all the cloths and linens and the house has been sprayed. Oh and I spent 1 hour on the middle kids and 1.5 hr. on the older one. 6 eggs on one and 3 adults and many, many eggs on the other. Thankfully no else seems to have it.....yet.

I got the robolice comb, it works but the girls kept getting zapped so I had to dothe shampoo and comb thing. I can't believe we have them again!! Oldestcame home from camp and got treated because I found one egg in her head and that was it. The younger one went to camp a few days later and we think she may have come home with an egg and that's how we got it again.

It's almost midnight and we are still doing laundry but all heads look clean.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Vacation, day one

We left on Wednesday at 9pm. We got to Savannah GA around 11am. This is such a beautiful city. All the wonderful old arcetecture and streets. Our first stop was the Juliette Low Birthplace.

We took the tour. We got to see the dining room, the library, the parlors, the bedrooms and the restored bathroom. It was really neat to see where it all began and where Daisy grew up. We got to see some of her sculptures and paintings. She actually did a portrait copy of her mother that she wanted to take with her to England but that her father wouldn't part with. She got her paints out and did an exact copy of the painting and we got to see it in the formal parlor. We got to see some of her iron work too. And the sculpture of her neice that she did was really neat and very life like.

The garden was amazing the plants are huge!! Take a look at this one...

After the tour we decided to drive around and see the city a little and ended up at the river walk area. We saw all sorts of shops some with cloths others with nic nacs and soveniors. But the best shop was the candy store. Savannah Candy Kitchen. They were making taffy when we were there and were throwing pieces into the crowd as it came out of the machine. If you've never had warm taffy let me tell you it was great!! The youngest two had ice cream, the oldest marshmellow chocolate bark and Jer had peanut butter gelato (I can't remember how to spell that!). I have a praline, it melted in my mouth. it was so rich I actually had to save half of it!! I bought some orange vanilli fudge for later. Still haven't tried it actually. Maybe I'll try some tomorrow.

We got down here to Jacksonville around dinnertime and have been relaxing. The kids are all sleeping already, even after sleeping most of the drive to Savannah and then to Jacksonville. I can't get over how hot it is down here. It feels like 100 degrees, every time I step outside my glasses fog up. It was so hot earlier that our a/c in the car stopped working, it just couldn't get the moisture out of the air!! We'll be here for a few days and then it's off to Destin for fun in the sun (or not if it's still this hot!). Great people, good food, ocean view... really can't beat it.

One last pic of the girls signing the guestbook....

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lazy Dayz

It's around 8:30 Sunday morning. J is upstairs sleeping off the rest of the party from last night (ended around 4am) and I'm getting ready for the last day of the scout troop garage sale. Why do I do this to myself??? I had VBS all week so I wasn't able to keep up with the house and get garage sale stuff ready, then we had out of town relatives in for the weekend so we visited with them Friday night after we closed the sale. Saturday we miss the soccer game becuase I wrote the wrong time down, have the garage sale, bale out on the championship game for softball, and go to my FIL 50th b-day party.

Party keeps going and going and going. Impressively, only 1 person gets sick (that I know of) unfortunately he gets really sick and by 3am we had a 7 person pile up on the drunken idiot and an ambulance for the sick guy. Hoping he's doing better now. Man I just don't get it, you know your limits, don't push it. And for Goodness sake don't drink on an empty stomach!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Dye Shop

I'm done. It's over. Ouch, my hands hurt!!

Today was the final day for VBS here. I ran the dye shop in Bethlahem Village. All in all it was a really good time. My hands are now purplish red, and the hurt even to type right now, but it was worth it. The kids loved tieing ropes around their bags and shirts before the placed them into the dye bath (no rubberbands in Biblical times!) but trying to untie them with gloves (I know also not Biblical times, but I was trying to save my hands!) just didn't work. Every knot would make a hole in the gloves. So now I have dyed hands. But since I was running the shop I got to dye my shirts and a pair of socks to match!!

Now to find a dye remover for my hands... After a nice long soak for them.... that sounds good...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Camp fun

So we picked up the oldest from camp today. She had lots of fun. But here's the thing they gave me a list of all the stuff she did. It turns out she's earned over 5 badges not just the 1 that they listed on the pre-cmap info sheet. This puts her at over 30 badges in 1 full year as a junior!! It's insane, I never had this many badges! She earned swimming, humans and habitats, sky search, small craft, water fun, horse rider, and outdoor fun!!! In one week!! Damn wish I could have gone to that camp!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Well it's official. I just took my sister and her family to the airport. They are going to Germany to live. I won't see her again for about a year maybe more. I won't get to see my nephew start running around without falling or hear his first words or sit and bs with my sister anymore.

Goodbyes suck.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Tennis balls

So had to younger girl at tennis today and decided to see how many times I could bounce the ball on the racket. This is a LOT harder then it looks! The best I got was 15 before I lost it again. Then little man would come and snag it to add to his mountain. Little army men climbing a mountain of balls. She's getting good definately better then me.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Harry Potter OotP

Ok so we decided to take the kids (and friends) to see the new harry Potter movie last night at the drive in. I'm the only one in the group that has actually read the books and I'm just sitting there watching as they cut out time and again all sorts of parts in the movie!! Being that I've read the book I know what's missing and all the kids are asking what's happening, why are they and so on. It got to the point that we had to tell them questions are for after the film only!!

I mean how can you start this film with Harry taunting Dudley in the middle of the day. Then do a few quick cuts to Harry being rescued by members of the OotP without them explaining why so many of them showed up!! And what was with the lack of a howler to Petunia? Dumbledore has to remind her of the promise, it's critical to the storyline and sets up the next book where it's explained as to WHY he has to go back every year. The centaurs played so small a role as to be laughable in the movie, they are important to the storyline!! The film kept using newspaper clips as flashes of what was happening to show the pasage of time. Now I know I had to take the kids to the bathroom once, but don't tell me I missed Umbridge getting Dumbledore "fired", Harry and the twins being banned from Quiddich for life, and the hospital visit to see Arthur. This is all important. Harry didn't tell the others about seeing the accident as the snake, Snape didn't start his pivate lessons until after the holiday, and Harry didn't "read" Snape's mind, his saw the memory in a pensieve. And why didn't they have the statues moving in the last fight scene?? It was great to read about it and I was really looking forward to seeing it happen.

I really really hope that they do justice to the last 2 books when they are finally released onto film. And I can't wait for the new book so that I can see how it's going to all end.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Camping, camping and more camping

So last week was daycamp. I was incharge of the one of the 5th grade units, total of 12 girls, with only 1 adult with me. I kept us on task, didn't get the badge work done (we never get the badgework done!), hiked us through pioson ivy, ate lunch on the rocks at the river, went to the dump for the fieldtrip, and was told I was too harsh with the girls and that if I'm the unit leader they won't be back!! All in all a great week, wouldn't you say? Of course the scout parents that said I was harsh didn't stay to help out during the day, didn't read the paperwork sent to them, their daughters didn't know how to follow directions or remember the bring items even when told!! I mean really I can tell my troop we are going to need.... and they remember it. They are going in the the 5th grade they need to take care of it themselves people. Besides the fact that these same parents are all nicey nice to my face, then complaining to everyone but me. Oh well, I won't be back to that group, I may not be back to camp actually. I'm not sure I want to deal with these parents anyway.

I went tent training this weekend. All in all it was fun. Felt more like a leader campout then training. We went on a night hike and cut through the 4-H camp to the road which means we walked through the cow pasture. Have you even been walking a night and suddenly see movement from what you thought were sleeping cows? It's really scary!! Made me stay up with the rest of the group!! There was a section of the hike that we turned off the flashlights and just looked. It was like Christmas with all the twinkling lights (june bugs) and lots of stars in the sky. About the only bad thing for the weekend was a suprise visit that I wasn't expecting for a week so had no supplies and had to bum some off everyone (thanks ladies!) I tell ya it's always something.

Friday, May 11, 2007

i think I need to trade families!!

Really, how old do you have to be before you stop fighting with your mother/sister/brother?? (sorry dad is dead so he doesn't fight anymore)

My brother and mother are fighting, through email and cell phone calls. Neither can seem to go and see the other in person. Mom can't handle the confrontations in person anymore anyway, she just cries. And my brother just starts cussing and swearing and not getting any where. I have about 10 emails from the two of them today, I read 3 and then put the whole lot of them into a special "family" folder for me never to read again. I called mom and asked what's up, we talked for about an hour, and every time it started to drift way from where I wanted it to be I brought it back. I asked specific questions regarding her email (the only 1 I read from her) and she answered me, then start in on my sister or my brother or dad, and I'd interupt and go back to the email and ask more questions. I did ask her why the change from me being able to take whatever from the house to don't give her anything attitude and she said she wants to get over there and go through stuff and make sure she gets what she wants. She moved out at the end of summer and didn't take anything yardwise so I understand her wanting to get stuff now since she just realized that she needed it. I told her that she needs to just tell me, and when she wouldn't say anything I asked, can I take the sewing machine still? She said yes. Can I take the pictures (dad's parents and stuff), she said no. That second is a change but since I didn't take it that first day, then too bad for me, and I understand that.
Now to my brother, he did swear a lot in the 2 emails that I saw (I didn't read the rest, but mom kept saying they were bad, before I'd interupt her again) He's upset and has been for a long time. Do I agree with what he does? Not really, but it's his life. I can't control him. Just like the call with mom, I can steer conversations to stay on track, but that's it. I can't make him do this or that. He's a grown man, he is responsible for his actions. If he means what he said in the letters then so be it.

After talking to mom I found that what little I read she did mean. I told her to look at who told her what and then to evaluate what she knows about me versus what the others have said. (there a lot of she saids in the letter) Where does this leave me... Stuck in the middle. Brother living at mom's house. Mom living with new husband at his house. Me at my place, oh and my sister moving to Germany in 2 months.

Great mother's day weekend!! So much for seeing anyone. I'm not driving to see mom just so she can complain aobut brother/sister not talking to her. I probably won't see sister because she's busy with house stuff, trying to sell it and all. And I've no idea what my brother/sister-in-law is doing but I'm sure they have plans and I really don't what to go to the house just so mom can say that I was there to get something. (How she'd find out that I was there I don't know, but she's a mom she always knows where we are).

This leaves me home. With my kids. Who are playing without me right now. I think I'll go and see if they want to go to the park.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

We did it!!!

We finally got a playground at the school!! The equipment was installed earlier this week and we (the parents) had to install the border and the mulch. It only took about 5 hours on Friday with about 8-10 adults moving the mulch (not including what was done on Thursday). It looks great. I feel like shit. I'm tired and sore from all the lifting, shoveling and raking. But it looks great and the kids will love it.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Fish Tycoon

Have you seen this game? It runs in real-time. Turn off the computer and it's still plays on. You have to raise fish (feed, breed, sell) and look for the magic fish and well lets just say that it's very addictive.

I started the game a few days again. Just online version, so I haven't spent money (yet). And it's just too addictive. If I know that I'm going to be away for a while I can slow time down, if I want I can speed time up too. I just leave to sound on, check every few hours (days at normal real-time, I'm playing in fast mode) and feed an breed. I can do the housework (ya right!!) while I play. I can fold the cloths, vacumm the floors, ok so really I'm just sitting around playing this game and surfing the net. I just can't stay away.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

So I learned something today

I got to learn how to keep score today. J watched the kids while I watched the game (oldest's softball team) and keep score. Man you can't even have a decent conversation and do that job, you might miss something!! (I sure did!) All in all a good learning experience though. Looks like that gets to be my job from now on, so long as J makes it to the games too. Oh we won, 16 to 6.

Monday, April 23, 2007


What the he!! is a 2nd grader doing with petroglyphs as a spelling word!?!

Do you even know what it means? I didn't, my sister didn't, my husband didn't. We had to look it up to get an answer...

It's a carving on a rock. Go figure. I still can't believe this is on the second grade spelling list!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Wedding day blues?

My mom got married today.

Not sure what to say now. I'm glad she's happy. I liked seeing all the people that I knew there and getting to talk to them.

My sister wasn't there. It's probably better since I was stressed out and I can only imagine what it would have been like for her. My borther left after during the meal becuase his kids were acting up. I think it was hard on him too. Seeing mom with anyone other than dad is just too hard to deal with. I wish dad was still alive. I wish mom didn't rush into this marriage. I wish a lot of things but it doesn't change what is.

After the meal they cut the cake and my kids decided to have a cake fight, good thing they had changed cloths by that point!! It definately helped me that my kids were having fun. I probably would have left sooner if it weren't for them.

We went to see my dad. The older girl left her flowers at his grave site. The younger one took some of her flowers to my dad and some for each of my grandparents that are there. The easter flowers were still there too. I think I cried most of the drive home. I feel like the last nail in the coffin. The end ya know?

This sucks.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Shoe shopping

Have I ever told you how much I HATE to shop?!?!?!

Ok so I had to take the girls shopping for shoes tonight for something to wear to my mom's wedding tomorrow. I know nothing like waiting until the last minute to get shoes. So we finally get to Kohls around 9pm today and we go looking for shoes for the younger one. They had to be white since her dress is white with blue butterflies. She starting say which ones she liked and I had to keep saying no, no no... Finally I sit her down and start handing her shoes and after the thrid pair we find one, ok so now for the older one.. Nothing fits in the kid section so we go to junior/women and everything is high heels. Come on can't we just find one pair of nice looking brown shoes that aren't going to make my 9 yr old, size 6 foot, look like she's 16!!! We tried on around a dozen shoes before we could find one that I would say yes to and that fit her foot and would work with the dress. So will she's trying on shoes I decide to look at the clearance rack. Nothing there in my size, but wait there's a pair of size 6 hiking boots and right next to them is a size 1 for the younger girl, ok at $8 each we'll try them. So now we have boots and shoes for the and we still need to go back to the kids department for tennis shoes for the younger one since she's out grown all the ones we have at the house. An hour later I'm at the end of my rope. We've tried on every single size 1 tennis shoe they have in the girls department and nothing fits. I'm ready to give up, the girls are tired and we all want to go home. So we decide to forget the tennis shoes and start to gather all our stuff so we can go... Then I look over, there's a pair we haven't tried, and their the right size, ok so one more try... And the FIT!! YA!!!

An hour and a half from the time we walk out of Kohls with 5 pairs of shoes for the girls (aren't you suprised I didn't get any for me!!) and the total cost for all these shoes you ask... $70!! I can't believe I lucked out with this. I am sooooooooo happy to get shoes for so little, especially since my one pair of my shoes on sale are around $70!! We even had enough left over to get milk shakes on the way home. I'm just going to have to remember to NEVER try and shop for shoes with the younger one again. At least for a while, it's way too stressful!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

YA!!! Science Fair day

Today was the science fair at school. The older girl and her partner decided to do a project on the digestive system. It was really neat. It showed all the organs and they had info on what they main ones do, and they were able to answer any questions regarding them too. They also had a demonstation on how the digestive system works. They put some corn into a bag (the stomach) with some vanilla (that was the stomach acid) and smashed it up; then dumped it into a strainer (the sm. intestines) to get all the juice out (that was the nutrients) and everything left in the strainer was waste that then went to the large intestines (another bowl) and then out of the body. Oh and to show what happens then actually had a working poop shot at the bottom of the display that shot out malted milk balls. It was a really neat display. Ok so ya I'm the mom I have to say that, but it was cool, they even had examples of how long it takes various people to digest there food (using corn of course).

So anyway the judging was during the school day and tonight was to open house/awards. And I am really, really glad that I can't the scout meeting so that I could go to this thing, cause guess what....

Ya you guessed it, they took first place for they grade!!! In fact they had a perfect score, the only one in the whole school!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Last night was the lockin at Kalahari. 1200+ girls from 11pm to 5am!! There's this one slide that you sit on a two man raft and it rockets you all over the place. Sam and I went and I got stuck in the front. If you've ever been on a coaster without your glasses that's about how it was. Couldn't see anything and lots of water in the face, it was great!! The lazy river ride was a nice change of pass, even if we did look funny trying to get on top of the tubes. So I finally get on the tube and one of the workers decides to spin me, now that was fun. Running under the waterfalls and spinning like that was almost better then the coaster, almost. I tried the rope hanging walk thing and that was a good joke. I didn't even make it to the second step!! We had our girls check in a few times, thank God the coffee was free because by 3:30 we were needing it. The kids didn't they were going strong, little energizer bunnies those ones are.

So 5am rolls around and of course they don't want to go home but begrudingly they get dressed. We walked out to the car and by the time we were out of the parking lot they were asleep! So much for wanting to play some more.

Monday, April 9, 2007

The day after

Ok so it's Monday and boy does it feel like a Monday too. Easter was yesterday and for a change we only had to go to one relative's house!! It was fun the kids got to play with the cousins and papa was home for the hospital so we got to see him too. The Easter bunny was nice to everyone, the kids all got something small, big man got his coffee and I got a purse (just what I need another purse!!) At the grandparents house the EB hid eggs with $$ so each of the kids got $15 for that too. The kids and I stayed up way to late playing on the Gamecube. Mario Party is very adictive.

Friday, April 6, 2007

The things you learn

Ok so I told M I'd help with teaching the geocaching class today. It's snowing outside and there are no really EASY caches right by the building that are good for us to try and find. So we get there and rummage through our stuff and come up with a few micros and regulars to hide before the girls get there for the "class". Afterwards we split them in 2 groups and show them how to use the GPSr and sign the logs when you find them. After the "class" was the fun stuff everyone got to make their ouw pizza, the adults got to talk and the girls (all teens really) did kareoke and stamping and I have no idea what.

So to get the fun part... I learned that ever service unit is run differently. I'm in Northwood and I really like how we run things but I like what they do in Lakers.. They have an event every month. Fun ones too. SU camp outs, mother daughter nights, bowling, dances, WFD, father daughter nights, dances. It's just WOW!! I can't imagine us having that much stuff happening in a year. Maybe after the realignment we won't have a choice. I also found out that no one at council can aswer questions becuase they are all in the dark about this merger too. We have the highest percentage of girl participation of the 5 councils merging, but we know nothing about what is going to happen come Oct. 1!!! We don't know what if ANY of our trainings are going to count. We don't know what baker we're using for cookies, or fall sales. We don't even know what activities we will have next year... I can't even think of a time when we didn't have a Kelley's island overnight!!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Bad news Rant

Ok so I go to afuneral this morning as moral support for a friend. Ok fine, just a little hard since it was for a woman younger then me., but since I really don't know her well not too bad. We go out to lunch afterwards with my sister and then get all the kids and go to the park for an hour to visit some more. Still all in all a good day.
Hubby gets home after work and I go to my scout meeting. About an hour into it I'm getting the info from everyone that I need and he calls. There's a family emergency can you please come home. Ok so I cut everyone off, don't get half of my info that I needed, miss out on lots of cool stuff just so I can come home and... I find out that it's a false alarm, everything is ok!!
Ya know I don't like being sic'd out like that. I really can't handle much more of anything else for a while. This morning was only the second funeral I've been to (third if you count the 1 viewing) since my dad died. It's also the second one in a month. I don't need you calling me up and saying so and so is in the hospital get home now.
And then to get home and find out that it's not that serious and that it's a false alarm. That is so not fair, what are you trying to do, put me in the hospital.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

A day of rest?

So the relatives from out of town are gone again. J is sleeping on the chair, little A is outside playing barefooted in the grass and mud, middle A is gardening with nana, and big A is vegging in front of the TV and me.... Well I'm avoiding the housework. A while ago a friend listed some of the things that she's want as luxury items for herself and it got me thinking, what would I want... So here's my list of the moment...

1. A great pair of hiking boots, walking stick, an extra GPSr and a really comfortable backpack to haul my geocaching stuff in.

2. New sandals. I have 3 or 4 pairs of Berks (My only sandals) and they are all so wore that they are falling apart. I just can't seem to part with them even though I can't wear them since they have no soles left!

3. A housekeeper. I don't mind the laundry or the cooking. I just can't stand the cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, and all the junk. YUCK!! It would be great if someone else cleaned up after I made the mess for a change.

4. Wining the lottery (a BIG one). That way I won't have to worry about anyone in the family going to college or not seeing my sister since she's going to Europe soon. it would be great to be able to just jump on a plane at anytime to go see her instead of having to make plans months or years at a time.

Ok so the last one is fantasy. But really is it so much to ask for?

More relatives just showed up. Do I have to go visit or can I stay here for a few more minutes? The kids just ran out back so it should be quiet for a little while. Ok, ok I'll go and visit.

Later gater.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Training Day

Just got back from camp (again!) We had so much fun. I learned how to weave a basket and made a mosaic tile mirror and how to play the drum and make colored flames. It was so amazing. Flames of green, red and white! The basket was a pain in the a$$ to make but actually looks good. I loved playing the drum. I finally know how to play that thing now!!

After all that I had to load about a hundred pounds of concrete and sand into the back of the van so we can make stepping stones for the butterfly garden at camp. Can't wait to start that project.

Ok so here's a pic of the mirrors that we made. Mine's the middle one.

I just love playing with fire (Safely of course!!) We building up the fire for the colored flames here.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Back from Mystery campout and still sore! The girls loved the mystery dinner, half of them had to eat their food without utensils because they didn't order them from the menu. The CSI lights were fun to use to find the fingerprints Saturday night, just have to remember NOT to use them where you are sleeping, YUCK!! It's amazing the messes you find with that light!!
It's definately Monday. Nobody is wanting to move around here. Coffee's done so I'm signing off. Later gater