Sunday, December 27, 2009

Girl Scout movie day

Today we (the girls and I) went to see The Princess and the Frog with other scouts in our service unit. At $5 per person, including popcorn and drink, its a price you can't beat. The movie was great and we all agree that we would definately go and see it again, in fact I want to find the soundtrack!! I love New Orleans music. It was great to see so many of our girls at the movie too, I just wish I had gotten more of the older troop there, they really would have liked it. Oh well, what can you do with 7-9 graders.

Christmas is gone... now to relax for a few days

Ya right, who am I kidding, I don't relax!

Christmas this year was really fun. The kids got the stuff the asked for, I get a new coffee pot (single cup style) and Jman got to play poker twice.

The biggest thing though was the fact that we got a used PS3 and the kids used their giftcards to get a guitar and GH world tour game. I think we've only had about 6 hours of silent since they went shopping yesterday they love the game so much!

Me, I love the new coffee pot. It may be 50 cents a cup but the coffee is better then at a shop and I don't have to drive anywhere.