Monday, May 26, 2008

Talkin' about the car wash yeah!

What a way to spend the day...

And we still have the game tonight... GO TRIBE!!!

almost done!!!

It's done, it's done... well almost done!

Here take a look...

Now to get the baseboards back in place and put everything back where it goes...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Nine days and counting

Nine school days left to summer vacation!! 2 full weeks. 14 days to freedom!! Ok more like 16 since we have the dance recital 2 days later, but really FREEDOM!! YAAHHH!!!!

Can you tell I'm tired of fighting with the kids to get ready for school?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

New Floors day 3

This is where we are now at with the tearout and install of the new floors. We still have to paint the walls but the paper is down finally.

This is the family room....

Here's the dining room walls minus the wallpaper (yah!!)

The little bath minus some of it's wall boarder... not sure how to remove the rest of it...

And the hall looking very wonderful.

More to come. Later gater.

Monday, May 12, 2008

New floors

Well it's finally happening. My Dh is tearing up our floors so he can put in new next week! It's only taken a few years of asking to get it done... go figure he does this for a living!

Here's a pic of him hard at work.