Friday, November 24, 2017

Giving thanks

Yesterday we did the annual thanksgiving meal with his family.  Went around the table and people said thanks for various things.  Me? I said food. Thankful for someone else cooking the turkey and ham.  Then I told my MIL directly that I'm thankful for her. For her just being who she is.  Nobody else heard me say it since we were not at the table with the rest of them and my FIL called it a "party foul". My response was it wasn't a comment for you and went back to eating.

Sorry you don't like me not being thankful that you are still around for my hubby to hate.  Sorry I'm not thankful for the way people treat me.  Sorry I don't say I'm thankful for my family.  Ya see they know I am thankful for them because I actually say so daily.