Monday, February 1, 2010

Cooking classes and menu ideas

We're starting a cooking group at the church. Once a month, freeze the meal cooking. We're starting with 5 meals, all chicken. No real side dishes or veggies just the main dish. We'll see how it goes. It got me thinking, all these sites tote $100/week for a family of 4. Well I have a family of 5, with big appitites. Can it really be done?? Well all of January was only $350.93, and that included going out to eat. Now most Sunday dinners are at my in-laws so that's 1 less dinner. Lunches for me are leftovers, for the kids its PBJ or lunchmeat. Jer will buy lunchmeat or soup and keep it at the office for the week. So having seen this, I'd say that yes we can do 6 dinners, breakfast and lunch all for under an average of $400 per month.
Now to see if we can stick to it. I haven't done any shopping for this weeks meals so I'll start with tonight's shopping and see what happens.