Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lazy Dayz

It's around 8:30 Sunday morning. J is upstairs sleeping off the rest of the party from last night (ended around 4am) and I'm getting ready for the last day of the scout troop garage sale. Why do I do this to myself??? I had VBS all week so I wasn't able to keep up with the house and get garage sale stuff ready, then we had out of town relatives in for the weekend so we visited with them Friday night after we closed the sale. Saturday we miss the soccer game becuase I wrote the wrong time down, have the garage sale, bale out on the championship game for softball, and go to my FIL 50th b-day party.

Party keeps going and going and going. Impressively, only 1 person gets sick (that I know of) unfortunately he gets really sick and by 3am we had a 7 person pile up on the drunken idiot and an ambulance for the sick guy. Hoping he's doing better now. Man I just don't get it, you know your limits, don't push it. And for Goodness sake don't drink on an empty stomach!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Dye Shop

I'm done. It's over. Ouch, my hands hurt!!

Today was the final day for VBS here. I ran the dye shop in Bethlahem Village. All in all it was a really good time. My hands are now purplish red, and the hurt even to type right now, but it was worth it. The kids loved tieing ropes around their bags and shirts before the placed them into the dye bath (no rubberbands in Biblical times!) but trying to untie them with gloves (I know also not Biblical times, but I was trying to save my hands!) just didn't work. Every knot would make a hole in the gloves. So now I have dyed hands. But since I was running the shop I got to dye my shirts and a pair of socks to match!!

Now to find a dye remover for my hands... After a nice long soak for them.... that sounds good...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Camp fun

So we picked up the oldest from camp today. She had lots of fun. But here's the thing they gave me a list of all the stuff she did. It turns out she's earned over 5 badges not just the 1 that they listed on the pre-cmap info sheet. This puts her at over 30 badges in 1 full year as a junior!! It's insane, I never had this many badges! She earned swimming, humans and habitats, sky search, small craft, water fun, horse rider, and outdoor fun!!! In one week!! Damn wish I could have gone to that camp!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Well it's official. I just took my sister and her family to the airport. They are going to Germany to live. I won't see her again for about a year maybe more. I won't get to see my nephew start running around without falling or hear his first words or sit and bs with my sister anymore.

Goodbyes suck.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Tennis balls

So had to younger girl at tennis today and decided to see how many times I could bounce the ball on the racket. This is a LOT harder then it looks! The best I got was 15 before I lost it again. Then little man would come and snag it to add to his mountain. Little army men climbing a mountain of balls. She's getting good definately better then me.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Harry Potter OotP

Ok so we decided to take the kids (and friends) to see the new harry Potter movie last night at the drive in. I'm the only one in the group that has actually read the books and I'm just sitting there watching as they cut out time and again all sorts of parts in the movie!! Being that I've read the book I know what's missing and all the kids are asking what's happening, why are they and so on. It got to the point that we had to tell them questions are for after the film only!!

I mean how can you start this film with Harry taunting Dudley in the middle of the day. Then do a few quick cuts to Harry being rescued by members of the OotP without them explaining why so many of them showed up!! And what was with the lack of a howler to Petunia? Dumbledore has to remind her of the promise, it's critical to the storyline and sets up the next book where it's explained as to WHY he has to go back every year. The centaurs played so small a role as to be laughable in the movie, they are important to the storyline!! The film kept using newspaper clips as flashes of what was happening to show the pasage of time. Now I know I had to take the kids to the bathroom once, but don't tell me I missed Umbridge getting Dumbledore "fired", Harry and the twins being banned from Quiddich for life, and the hospital visit to see Arthur. This is all important. Harry didn't tell the others about seeing the accident as the snake, Snape didn't start his pivate lessons until after the holiday, and Harry didn't "read" Snape's mind, his saw the memory in a pensieve. And why didn't they have the statues moving in the last fight scene?? It was great to read about it and I was really looking forward to seeing it happen.

I really really hope that they do justice to the last 2 books when they are finally released onto film. And I can't wait for the new book so that I can see how it's going to all end.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Camping, camping and more camping

So last week was daycamp. I was incharge of the one of the 5th grade units, total of 12 girls, with only 1 adult with me. I kept us on task, didn't get the badge work done (we never get the badgework done!), hiked us through pioson ivy, ate lunch on the rocks at the river, went to the dump for the fieldtrip, and was told I was too harsh with the girls and that if I'm the unit leader they won't be back!! All in all a great week, wouldn't you say? Of course the scout parents that said I was harsh didn't stay to help out during the day, didn't read the paperwork sent to them, their daughters didn't know how to follow directions or remember the bring items even when told!! I mean really I can tell my troop we are going to need.... and they remember it. They are going in the the 5th grade they need to take care of it themselves people. Besides the fact that these same parents are all nicey nice to my face, then complaining to everyone but me. Oh well, I won't be back to that group, I may not be back to camp actually. I'm not sure I want to deal with these parents anyway.

I went tent training this weekend. All in all it was fun. Felt more like a leader campout then training. We went on a night hike and cut through the 4-H camp to the road which means we walked through the cow pasture. Have you even been walking a night and suddenly see movement from what you thought were sleeping cows? It's really scary!! Made me stay up with the rest of the group!! There was a section of the hike that we turned off the flashlights and just looked. It was like Christmas with all the twinkling lights (june bugs) and lots of stars in the sky. About the only bad thing for the weekend was a suprise visit that I wasn't expecting for a week so had no supplies and had to bum some off everyone (thanks ladies!) I tell ya it's always something.