Saturday, September 15, 2007

A day in the life...

Not much happening around here. Lots of car and house break-ins but otherwise nothing to report. I'm ready to move to the moon just to get away from the little sh!ts that keep targeting my car and the neighborhood. I've lived here for 6 years and never had a problem until the last 3 months. Sad that even with a cop living down the street these things are happening.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

buggy bugs

Damn I thought the mufflehead season was over!! but no I open the door last night and get a face FULL of them!! Then they got into the house! We had over 100 of them around the light in the kitchen. Can't swat at them, they just fall dead on your head, and at midnight I was too tired to deal with them. These annoying insects are good thing from what I'm told, it means Lake Erie is doing well. Just wish the bugs would stay at the lake instead of coming into town an bugging me!! I remembered this morning that the last time I had to deal with these guys I tried bug spray, which killed them and ruined the paint on the wall. So I tried the vacumm and that worked fine. But damn a face full and yes my mouth was closed thankfully!! I really don't want to know what the fish find so tasty in those things.