Thursday, July 30, 2009

night time sucks

I hate it at night.

I remember that he's 4000 miles away.

How do people handle longdistance relationships?

Sad to say he doesn't seem to feel the same way.

Missing You

Yep I'm stuck there.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

To the ZOO! To the ZOO!

Yesterday was the big zoo trip.
Lots to see and do, of course the kids liked the playgrounds the best!

My favorite part.. ok one of my favorite parts was that we not only got to see the elephants (the ones at the Cleveland Zoo are gone for the next 2 years), we got to FEED them. Totally cool and awsome and neat and... well you get the idea.

Yes that is my little lady there giving an elephant a bit of apple and petting it's trunk.

Did you notice that there is no cage or fencing here? These are free birds! Totally cool concept!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

OMG I am such a nut!

it starts with me telling Ali that we need to start planning a weekly menu so that we can actually know what we're going to eat instead of flying by the seats of our pants. Yes me the planning queen of the family, the organizational guru of the county was finally done with this laid back style of household life. I just couldn't take it anymore.... So what did I do you ask... We I started by looking at what was in the freezer and the food pantry. Then I look at the little frig and fresh produce. I come up with a somewhat good idea of what we can do. Now I look at Ali and ask what she thinks.... I'm not cooking tonight so it's whatever you and A-man want to do.... OK switch gears.... How about pizza tonight.... We have to use up the apples.... pie? No... Homemade applesauce? Yes... now to find the recipe.

She's got lots of great stuff in the freezer and pantry but since I can't make heads or tails of most of the German language I can't really make a full plan here..... OK, give this idea up for now... We'll just continue to work on a day to day basis.... Oh all right my heart just isn't into it since I know I have the menu and recipes at home and I'm willing to just wait for J-man to email them to me!

On to organizing.... I've been doing this little by little every day really. Of course it's right back to the way it was about 5 minutes later with all the kids running around. At least we've gotten to the point that the boys will clean up their toys before going to something else. On a good note I've been able to make my bed each day since there's never anyone else sleeping in it by the time I'm up and dressed in the morning. I even keep the cloths put away and such.... even with all little man's legos everywhere. I do have the boys keeping their room clean too with them even putting the toys into the right bins, something that little man is still learning at home.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Museum fun and games... and fun

Pics from the museum visit.

The kids had a great time looking at all the different stuff from the wall of bugs to the time line style of skulls. Me.... I liked the hall of cats and the space stuff. My nephew couldn't get enough of the dinosaurs and little man loved everything, had to keep telling him not to run.

Has it really been a week already?

It seems like time just isn't the same here. Maybe it's because the sun is up from 5am to 10pm and that doesn't include dusk or dawn... Maybe it's because there's just nothing that I have to do... I can just relax and go with the flow, no running for scouts or work.

In any case it's been great. We went raspberry picking and had a wonderful pie that Alice made from it. We went to the Natural History Museum and saw lots. We went to a local castle and had fun playing with all the stuff.

There there's this...

Doesn't she just look so bored? That was the complant that the kids gave when they weren't doing something every single second. So we let them paint the window one day. (Thus the weird stuff on the window) and have a water fight with the hose another day.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Have fun storming the castle

I just had to say that.
Here are some pics from the castle visit.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

day one all done

sun's coming up now. been in Germany just under 24 hours. Got off the plane and got the visas, nice and easy. Got the bags, little harder, got to the car and off to Ali's. Nothing much to report... Gave out gifts, had lunch and dinner (or breakfast and lunch however you look at it). I'm learning to type with a German keyboard, I know I can switch it over but I won't remember to switch it back so I'm trying to remember to switch z and y and that the shift isn't in the same spot.
The boys played for hours - legos, Bob the Builder, running outside. Everyone got to hold the baby. Hope to get some pics today, yesterdaz was just too busy saying hi and talking.