Tuesday, October 14, 2008

just a little brag

This weekend was the first in what I hope will be many events that my 6th grade cadettes get to work as PAs. I was very nervous about having them actually be in charge of activities even with an adult nearby if needed. I wasn’t the only one to be apprehensive about it, the other cadette troops’ adults weren’t sure how these 11 yr olds would do helping with fire building, archery, games, songs, ceremonies, astronomy and camp history. We were all pleasantly surprised. My 5 little 6th graders soared with the 8th graders and even took on a lead role or two. I had 3 of them ask if they could get the specialty training to help with the telescopes again (they got a crash course on the manual ones) Even my newest member (1 month now) was able to teach scout songs and graces and help the younger girls learn.

Part of me knew they were ready for this… but an even bigger part wasn’t so sure. They proved that they can do it. We can set the bar and the will soar over it. We just have to give them the chance.

They have started working on the new cadette Amaze journey. I’m hoping they like it as much at the end as they do now… yes that surprised me too, I didn’t think they’d go so quickly with it. Next up is learning about the silver award and working on the basics to earning it (the few parts that can be as a troop and I think would be good for them all), camping more then 20 miles from home, and doing something new (No they haven’t told me what that is yet)

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